Monday 2 April 2012

Homemade Nutella Almond Milk

So, it's my last week living in my apartment in Ottawa. Which means, I have to use up all my food before I go! While packing up my kitchen I found a giant bag of almonds that I sure don't have time to eat so I though I'd try my hand at making almond milk.  Usually I buy almond milk since I stopped drinking milk, and I enjoy it a lot more. However, now since I made it myself, I probably won't go back to the store bought brand. Although it may be a bit time consuming, this tastes much much better and doesn't have any preservatives. 

Recipe >>>


1 cup raw, unsalted almonds
4 cups of water
1-2 tbsp Nutella


1. Let the almonds soak overnight, or at least 8 hours.
2. Drain the water that the almonds soaked in and set aside. You'll use that water later.
3. Slide the dark brown skin off the soaked almost and discard. It should come off really easily, if it doesn't then you didn't soak them long enough.
4. Put the skinned almonds and water in the blender. You should have 4 cups of water in total, including the water that the almonds soaked in. Add in the Nutella as well (or you can add cocoa powder instead. Or just sugar/honey/agave if you want plain almond milk).
5. Blend until smooth, about 2-3 minutes.
6. Strain the mixture with a fine mesh filter, cheese cloth, or a nut milk bag (you can get them at Arbour Environmental Shoppe in the Glebe).
7. Refrigerate and serve. Keeps for about 5 days.

I know there are a lot of steps... but it's worth it if you like almond milk and find you suddenly have 100's of extra almonds!

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